Product Name: Hansgrohe Metris Sel M71 KM 320 1j p-out AUS
Description: The hansgrohe Metris Select single lever kitchen tap in chrome with ComfortZone 320 and pull-out spout adds unique style to the modern kitchen with its form and functionality. The ergonomic design with a convenient spout height makes space for the everyday kitchen routine and helps people to handle large containers without an issue (ComfortZone 320). - Hansgrohe - Metris Select - Taps - Sink Mixers - Chrome
Dimensions: Length: 600 mm
Unique Features: Easy to mount, compatible with multiple drain sizes, high-quality construction, reliable performance
Supplier: Hansgrohe
Certifications: SABS Certified
Available at Online Bathrooms Bathroom and Kitchen, based in Port Elizabeth. We ship nationwide throughout South Africa.
Customer Reviews: Rated 4.5/5 by our customers
Usage Tips: Ensure proper installation for optimal performance.
Explore more high-quality bathroom fixtures at Online Bathrooms Bathroom and Kitchen. Buy now and enjoy nationwide shipping!
Warranty: All Hansgrohe products come with a 15-year warranty, except for sinks, which have a 5-year warranty.
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